resume pengganti kehadiran

Volare Chit Chat Resume

It’s Monday, the ninth of January 2017 at a quarter past seven p.m I was listening  103,4 Volare FM radio. In the moment I was learning English happily…
So, I could many knowledge about English that usually used in American’s people. The knowledge that I could are idiom, pronunciation, bilingual, and speak english in the life practice.
Now, let’s we learn together…
1.      How to say “ it “
In the moments, I was learning english material subject “idiom and how to pronounce the Idiom”. Idiom is horde the words that have own meaning and haven’t the mean literally. So, if someone to understanding the idiom that totally by the thousands always given appreciate it’s english language be equal with native speaker.
Idiom adalah sekumpulan kata yang mempunyai arti tersendiri dan tidak memiliki arti secara harfiah. Oleh karena itu, jika seseorang memahami idiom yang jumlahnya ribuan sering dinilai bahasa Inggrisnya setara dengan native speaker.
Examples of idiom are :
-          Hit the hay artinya segera (mau tidur). Terdiri dari kata 1) hit : memukul ; 2) the : itu ; 3) hay : jerami
-          The fhrasa that similarity meaning with hit the hay is hit the sack (taken the vocabulary : 1) hit : memukul ; the : itu ; and sack : karung) so while in grouping this words could be have meaning “segera tidur”.
-          Still there is another fhrasa for saying “mau tidur or segera tidur” just like catch some z (taken from the word 1) catch : tangkap ; 2) some : beberapa ; and z : diambil dari abjad terakhir (z)). So, while the entire word is grouping could be have the meaning “segera tidur” too same with fhrase that have be research before it. Beside the all of fhrasa that have explained we always used expression “segera tidur” that usually we used in the practicing english in the life that is go to bed. so, we’re freedom chosen one of entire fhrase in essentials the mean is “segera mau tidur”.
-          Examples in the sentences are :
a.       I want to go home and had to hit the hay quickly
      Saya ingin pulang ke rumah dan harus tidur secepatnya.
b.       Everybody want hit the hay early tonight so that we can get up before down go hunting.
Semua mereka mau tidur cepat malam ini supaya mereka bisa terbangun sebelum dini hari untuk berburu.
c.        In the party Marry very tired. So, she perforce take leave early and hit the hay while arrived in Marry’s house.
Di pesta Merry begitu letihnya. Jadi, ia terpaksa pamit duluan dan segera tidur setibanya dirumah.
d.       Let’s hit the sack, we have to get up early in the morning.
Kita harus tidur cepat, kita harus bangun awal pagi ini.
e.        The another example of idiom is keep hands clean (that taken by the word 1) keep : menyimpan, menjaga ; 2) hands : tangan ; 3) clean : bersih). And when grouping the entire words have mean “tidak terlibat didalam suatu masalah (masalah yang buruk atau) atau biasa berbunyi have clean hands”.
f.        Rubber of politician could be leave dark of falsehood to rubber of journalist and be running for keep hands clean in within it.
Para politikus bisa meninggalkan kebohongan hitam kepada para journalis dan berusaha untuk tidak terlibat di dalamnya.
g.        I don’t see how  the people that worked with rubber of corrupt and the people  that greedy keep hands clean in problem.
Aku tidak bisa mengira bagaimana orang-orang bekerja dengan para koruptor dan orang-orang yang serakah bisa tidak terlibat masalah.
Andi always be in problem. But, in the latter he be running a business for keep hands clean in the all of them form that illegal business.
Andi selalu berada dalam masalah. Tapi, belakangan ini dia berusaha untuk tidak terlibat dalam segala bentuk hal illegal.
h.       She will be free, and I always wonder hands to manage to keep hands clean in the problem.
Dia akan bebas dan aku selalu bertanya-tanya bagaimana dia berusaha untuk tidak terlibat dalam masalah itu.
2.      Bilingual news
Bilingual news be familiar also with “Berita Dua Bahasa”. Where bilingual news is delivering information using different language from the language that usually used by majority’s people in mainly. The example delivering  the bilingual news is at Metro TV’s broadcast that using english language, Mandarin, and etc.
Now, I’m watching the amazing bilingual news from Thailand. It is “Fullmoon” party. It is a monthly event that attracts thousands of young, mostly western tourists. This party using the speedboats were ferrying to Pha-Ngah Island, Thailand. Well, while I’m watching this bilingual news making me felt the amazing situation. Until I have a dreams for go around in the world and see all of the activities that be habitual activity by the all of the people.
Bilingual news disebut juga dengan berita dua bahasa. Dimana bilingual news merupakan penyampain informasi menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda dari bahasa yang digunakan oleh mayoritas masyarakat pada umumnya. Contoh penyampaian berita dua bahasa yaitu  di siaran metro TV menggunakan bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, dan lain-lain.
Sekarang, saya sedang menonton berita dua bahasa yang menakjubkan yang berasal dari negara Thailand. Yakni pesta “bulan penuh”. Dalam acara yang diselenggarakan setiap sebulan sekali ini berhasil menarik ribuan anak muda, yang mayoritas merupakan turis asal Barat. Pesta ini menggunakan speedboat yang mengangkut ke pulau Pha-Ngah, Thailand. Nah, ketika saya menonton berita bilingual ini membuat saya merasakan suasana menakjubkan. hingga saya sempat berkhayal untuk berkeliling dunia serta melihat semua kegiatan yang menjadi rutinitas semua orang.

3.      English, please!
In this section, the topic was about “Idol Worship”. There are two speaker in this session. So, it is spending take the longest time. And this topic is discussing daily activities that always be habitual action. The habitual action that I mean are : climbing up the mountain, explore in the jungle, swimming, fishing, have a walking, etc.
Refers to me this session is could be making our to deep understanding english material that related with daily activities, it is making our have a limitation. Well, it not just for “idol worship”, but everything we do, need a limitation. When we get too fanatic to our idol, without a limitation, all we do is to try to duplicate them, even for what we don’t need to. But, when we have a limitation, we know what we have to imitate, and what we don’t have to imitate from our idol.
Learning english could be pass through :
1.      Listening and memorize the english’s song
2.      Make english be our friends
3.      Watching tv series that using english language
4.      Writing the new vocabulary in the books and then memorize it consistently.
5.      If you watching the movie always using subtitle in english and prepare tool writing while you watching. I give the example is Malaysian country that always using subtitle in english while presented the movie in this broadcast (tv 2 and tv 3). So, we can learning english happily.
6.      The tv series or learning matter another that recommended to you that be increase english knowledge are : situation comedy, game, magic show, horror movie understanding stories (Sherlock holmes, reading harry potter’s book, etc).
I’m believing if you always does it (just like above) you could be understanding english material subject to entire.
Jadi, kesimpulannya idiom menurut miss Dini ialah “makna suatu kata atau lebih yang memiliki makna berbeda. Tetapi, ketika disatukan akan membentuk makna baru yang memiliki makna yang sangat berbeda jauh dari kata aslinya”.
Semakin banyak idiom yang kita kuasai semakin menambah perbendaharaan kita dalam berbahasa Inggris.
Well, that’s all about Volare Chit Chat for now. If you want to ask me something, just comment below. Thanks for reading it.

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