week 5 the task about smartphone apps that i love

Hello ladies and gentlemen,
I will tell you about smartphone apps that i love.
Nowdays, the system of technology gradually changes. Most people use smartphone instead of book to make knowledgeable. They think it more effective, efficient, easier, and simpler.
Well, if you use the smartphone you will say that the smartphone is so practical. You don’t need to bring the books that you should read. When bring the books, people are afraid of making mistakes when store it and difficult to secure it when raining. With smartphone the mistakes is made smaller.
Moreover, in the smartphone there is many application that could be you used. The application are games, dictionary, google search, instagram, line, fb, gmail, google maps, navigation, play store, selfie’s camera etc. But, for those application i just love one’s application. The application that i love is google search. I love google search because in this application i could be to find the information that i need. Beside it google search also can be as escort when i could the task.
Okay, i think that all from me
Thank you for yours attention
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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